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Head Start

Is a federally and state funded program for children 3-5 years old.  The program provides center-based services to promote school readiness. Children build the necessary skills for school and beyond through play activities and relationships with adults. 

Program room size may be up to 20 children.  Each room has a minimum of two staff.  Depending on the center, full or half day programs are offered for children to attend four or five days a week. 

  • Full Day is 6 hours per day
  • Half Day (Double Session) is 3½ hours per day either AM or PM

Transportation may be provided for enrolled children whenever possible.

Head Start supports children’s growth in a positive play-based learning environment through a variety of services, which include:

Early learning and development:  Head Start and PA Pre-K Counts programs use the research based Creative Curriculum and parent input to individualize lesson plans and track children’s developmental progress.  Parents, including foster parents, and other primary caregivers, are recognized as children’s first and most influential teachers.

Health and Nutrition: Good health and nutrition are essential to growth and development.  All children receive health screenings and nutritious meals.  Staff provide support for families to ensure that children are receiving the appropriate health, dental, and other care for their well-being.

Family well-being:  The program works to build positive relationships with parents and focus on family well-being.  Children are the heart of meaningful family engagement.  Parents can take an active role in their child’s education by volunteering in the program room and participating in leadership roles at their center and for the entire program.   

A Typical Day at Head Start includes: 

  • Self-care and Hygiene Activities
  • Nutritious Meals
  • Large Group Learning Activity
  • Gross Motor Activity
  • Small Group Learning Activity
  • Free Choice Time
  • Quiet/Rest Time may be included
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