Funding received from the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies was received for our Access for All Project. This project is intended to increase accessibility for families to become more involved in their child’s education and increase accessibility to quality educational activities in outdoor classroom settings thus ultimately increasing educational outcomes / school readiness skills for children.
Parent Involvement is a key factor for a child to be successful in school and life. Family Involvement includes activities such as assisting in the classroom, attending parent meetings, attending parenting classes, being a representative on Policy Council, attending parent-teacher conferences, and participating in literacy and other family events. Many families have barriers that impact their ability to become involved in their child’s education and school activities. This funding will assist families in overcoming barriers such as transportation and/or self-esteem/social anxiety.
Although our playgrounds across the county have equipment to improve gross motor skills, they lack equipment to develop the whole child. This grant will enable us to add more diverse and higher quality outdoor educational equipment such as easels on fences, elevated Nature Observation tables, music panels for auditory awareness, team building pod spinner, etc. Teachers will have better tools to facilitate learning, and children will have greater opportunities for cognitive development. The outcome of these outdoor improvements will be children who are healthy and better prepared for school and life.
CAPCC Early Childhood is grateful for this opportunity that the Community Foundation has afforded us with this Accessibility for All Grant.